Waterproofing Contractors

Commercial Waterproofing Contractors NYC to Protect Buildings from Water Damage

Waterproofing is crucial to building construction and maintenance. Commercial properties face the constant threat of water damage. This damage can lead to structural issues, mold growth, and costly repairs. Hiring commercial waterproofing contractors in NYC is essential to ensure the longevity of buildings. In this blog, we will explore: 

1. The importance of building waterproofing contractors in NYC

2. The services provided by contractors, and 

3. How to choose the right contractor for your needs.

Understanding the Importance of Waterproofing

Water infiltration is a significant concern for commercial buildings in NYC. Moisture can seep into the structure without proper waterproofing measures. It can cause damage over time. Commercial Waterproofing Contractors NYC protects against water intrusion, preventing leaks and safeguarding the building’s structural integrity. Additionally, it helps maintain a healthy indoor environment by preventing mold growth.

The Role of Commercial Waterproofing Contractors

Commercial waterproofing contractors specialize in assessing and resolving water-related issues in commercial buildings. They have the expertise, experience, and tools necessary to provide effective waterproofing solutions. These professionals conduct thorough inspections and install appropriate waterproofing techniques. 

Services Offered by Waterproofing Contractors

Commercial waterproofing company NYC offers a range of services. These services may include:

  1. Basement Waterproofing

Basement areas are particularly susceptible to water damage. Waterproofing contractors use various techniques like exterior excavation and drainage systems. It can prevent water seepage and flooding in basements.

  1. Foundation Waterproofing

Foundation waterproofing is crucial to protect the building’s structural stability. Contractors use methods such as waterproof membranes, coatings, and drain systems. It can keep the foundation dry and secure.

  1. Roof Waterproofing

Roof leaks can cause significant damage to a commercial building. Commercial Waterproofing Contractors NYC apply specialized coatings, sealants, and membranes. It can prevent water intrusion and prolong the lifespan of the roof.

  1. Exterior Wall Waterproofing

Exterior walls are vulnerable to water penetration, especially during heavy rain or snow. Waterproofing companies use techniques like sealants, coatings, and waterproof membranes. It can create a barrier against moisture.

  1. Drainage Systems

Proper drainage is essential to divert water away from the building. Waterproofing contractors install and maintain effective drainage systems to prevent water accumulation.

Waterproofing companies

Choosing the Right Waterproofing Contractor

Selecting the right commercial waterproofing company in NYC is crucial. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

  • Experience and Expertise: 

Look for contractors with a proven track record in commercial waterproofing. Look for someone with extensive knowledge of industry best practices.

  • Licenses and Certifications: 

Ensure that the contractor holds the necessary licenses and certifications.

  • Insurance Coverage: 

Verify that the contractor carries adequate liability insurance to protect you from damages.

  • Portfolio and References: 

Review the contractor’s portfolio of past projects. Ask for references from previous clients to assess their quality of work.

  • Transparent Pricing: 

Request detailed cost estimates and compare them with other contractors.

Cost of Commercial Waterproofing

The cost of commercial waterproofing varies. It depends on factors such as the size of the building and the chosen waterproofing method. It is advisable to get many quotes from different contractors. Consider the long-term benefits and savings.

Benefits of Professional Waterproofing Services

Investing in professional commercial waterproofing services offers several advantages:

  • Protection against water damage: 

Waterproofing ensures that your building remains dry and safe from water-related issues.

  • Long-term cost savings:

Preventing water damage through waterproofing can save you from expensive repairs.

  • Improved indoor air quality: 

Waterproofing helps prevent mold and mildew growth. It promotes a healthier indoor environment for occupants.

  • Enhanced property value: 

A well-maintained, waterproofed building retains its value and appeal in the market.

Best Practices for Maintaining Waterproofed Buildings

To ensure the longevity of your waterproofed building, follow these best practices:

  • Regular Inspections: 

Conduct routine inspections to identify and address any signs of water infiltration.

  • Proper Drainage: 

Keep gutters, downspouts, and drainage systems clear of debris to prevent water accumulation.

  • Prompt Repairs: 

Address any leaks, cracks, or damaged waterproofing to prevent further water damage.

  • Maintenance of Coatings and Sealants: 

Inspect and maintain protective coatings and sealants to ensure their effectiveness.

  • Professional Maintenance Services: 

Consider hiring professional maintenance services to conduct periodic inspections and maintenance tasks.


Commercial waterproofing is an essential investment for building owners and managers in NYC. By protecting against water damage, commercial waterproofing contractors ensure commercial properties’ longevity. When selecting a commercial waterproofing contractor, consider their experience and reputation. It can provide the success of your project.


  1. How long does commercial waterproofing take?

The duration depends on the size of the building. It is best to consult with the contractor for a more accurate timeline.

  1. Can I waterproof my commercial building myself?

While some small-scale waterproofing tasks can be done by building owners, it is generally recommended to hire professional waterproofing contractors for effective results.

  1. How often should I inspect my waterproofed building?

Regular inspections should be conducted at least once or twice a year. It can identify any signs of water damage or potential issues that must be addressed.

  1. Are there any eco-friendly waterproofing options available?

Yes, eco-friendly waterproofing souse is available that utilize sustainable materials and practices. Discuss your preferences with the waterproofing contractor to explore environmentally friendly options.

  1. Can commercial waterproofing help reduce energy costs?

Yes, commercial waterproofing can improve efficiency and reduce energy costs.

Waterproofing Contractors

Understanding the Basement Waterproofing Methods

As a building owner, few things are more frustrating than dealing with a wet basement. To do anything, keeping the knowledge of basement waterproofing methods is important. What may initially seem like a minor issue, such as a small puddle or a trickle of water, can quickly lead to significant damage and costly repairs. Moisture in your basement can cause structural damage and promote the growth of toxic mold, making it a serious concern. So what can you do to prevent moisture from entering your basement and keep it dry? 

Fortunately, there are several basement waterproofing methods you can adopt to protect your basement from moisture. First and foremost, it’s essential to identify and address any existing sources of water infiltration. This may involve fixing cracks in your foundation, repairing damaged gutters or downspouts, or installing a sump pump or French drain system. 

In addition to addressing existing issues, there are several measures you can take to minimize the risk of moisture in your basement. One effective strategy is to ensure that the ground around your building is sloped away from the foundation. Additionally, it’s important to maintain proper ventilation in your basement.

Some Basement waterproofing contractors NYC and their methods include using a dehumidifier to control humidity levels and installing basement waterproofing products. 

When it comes to preventing moisture in your basement, it’s important to take a proactive approach. 

For more information, see the list of our basement waterproofing methods below.

Basement Moisture’s Causes:

To effectively prevent moisture from infiltrating your basement, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what causes this issue in the first place. Unfortunately, water has a tendency to find its way into our buildings. Below are some of the primary causes of basement moisture:

  1. Poor Drainage: 

Improperly graded or clogged gutters and downspouts can result in water pooling around the foundation of your building, seeping into the basement through cracks or porous concrete.

  1. Hydrostatic Pressure: 

When the soil around your foundation becomes saturated with water, it can create hydrostatic pressure, which can force water through small cracks or gaps in your basement walls or floors. 

  1. Condensation: 

Moisture in the air can condense on cooler surfaces, such as basement walls or floors, resulting in dampness and potential mould growth. 

  1. Structural Issues: 

Cracks in your basement walls or floors can allow water to seep in, while a damaged foundation can lead to significant water infiltration.

  1. Plumbing Leaks: 

Leaky pipes or fixtures in your basement can result in standing water or excessive humidity, leading to moisture issues and potential mould growth.

By understanding the common causes of basement moisture, you can take proactive steps to understand which basement waterproofing method solves your problem. From addressing poor drainage to sealing cracks and installing a dehumidifier, there are many effective strategies to keep your basement dry and protected from the damaging effects of excess moisture. 

Basement Waterproofing Methods:

To effectively prevent basement moisture, there are three main basement waterproofing methods: interior, exterior, and drainage. 

  • Interior waterproofing involves taking steps to prevent water from infiltrating your basement from the inside. This can include applying sealants and coatings to walls and floors, installing a dehumidifier to control humidity levels, and addressing condensation issues with proper ventilation and insulation. 
  • Exterior waterproofing focuses on preventing water from entering your basement in the first place. This can include installing exterior drainage systems such as French drains or waterproofing membranes, as well as ensuring proper grading and landscaping around the foundation of your building.
  • Drainage is a critical aspect of waterproofing and involves directing water away from your building. This can include repairing or replacing damaged gutters and downspouts, installing a sump pump to remove excess water, or adding a perimeter drain system to collect and redirect water away from your foundation.

It’s important to note that each situation is unique, and a comprehensive waterproofing system will often utilize all three methods to effectively prevent basement moisture. A professional and commercial waterproofing contractors NYC can help assess the specific needs of your building and recommend the best course of action.

By taking proactive steps to prevent basement moisture, such as utilizing these waterproofing methods, you can avoid costly repairs and potential health hazards associated with excess moisture in your building.  

Interior Waterproofing Services:

Interior waterproofing methods are an effective way to prevent moisture from entering your basement. One of the most common ways water infiltrates your basement is through cracks and holes in walls, floors, windows, and doors. Properly sealing these openings with special sealants can prevent moisture from seeping in. 

Waterproof sealants can also help regulate humidity levels in your basement by preventing condensation. Coating basement walls and floors with a waterproof barrier helps to keep moisture out and create a more comfortable living space.

While interior waterproofing methods are an important step in keeping your basement dry, it’s crucial to address underlying issues causing the moisture. Exterior waterproofing methods and proper drainage systems play a critical role in preventing water from seeping into your basement in the first place.

Ultimately, a comprehensive waterproofing plan should utilize a combination of interior and exterior methods to effectively prevent basement moisture. Consulting with a professional waterproofing contractor can help you determine the best course of action for your specific situation, and prevent costly repairs and potential health hazards associated with excess moisture in your building.

Exterior Waterproofing:

Exterior waterproofing is a critical step in preventing basement moisture and requires a more comprehensive approach than interior methods. It is important to look beyond the basement walls to address the root of the problem, which is typically located outside the building. 

Exterior waterproofing involves excavating the soil around the foundation of the building, which is a labour-intensive process that requires specialized equipment. Once the soil is removed, a polymer-based sealant is applied to the exterior walls to create a waterproof barrier. Ideally, this process should be done during construction to ensure the most effective waterproofing.

Another important aspect of exterior waterproofing is proper gutter system installation and maintenance. Gutters are designed to direct rainwater away from the foundation of your building. However, clogged gutters or those that are not properly installed or maintained can contribute to basement moisture problems. To prevent this, make sure to keep gutters clean and free of debris, and ensure proper downspouts are installed to direct water away from the foundation. 

Overall, exterior waterproofing methods are critical in preventing basement moisture, and consulting with a professional waterproofing services is recommended to ensure the most effective solution for your specific situation. By addressing the underlying issues outside of your building, you can prevent costly repairs and potential health hazards associated with excess moisture in your basement.

Drainage Systems:

Effective drainage is crucial in preventing moisture in your basement. If you want to keep your basement dry, it is important to ensure that your building has proper drainage systems in place. The purpose of these systems is to direct water away from the foundation of your building, whether it be groundwater or rainwater. There are various types of drainage systems available, and it is important to assess your specific situation to determine the best solution. 

It is important to first examine the soil around your building, as different types of soil drain in different ways. You should ensure that the soil surrounding your foundation drains easily and does not retain moisture. Additionally, it is important to assess the slope of the ground around your foundation. It should slope away from your foundation, not towards it, to prevent water from pooling near your building.

If necessary, an interior drainage system, such as a sump pump, can be installed to collect water from around your foundation and pump it away from your basement. These systems should be designed to function even in case of a power outage, and it is recommended to consult a professional when considering this type of waterproofing method.

By effectively managing drainage around your building, you can prevent moisture from seeping into your basement and causing problems. It is important to assess your specific situation and consult with professionals to determine the best drainage solution for your building.

Which Method to Select? 

Every building is unique and requires a tailored approach to waterproofing. There are many factors to consider when it comes to preventing basement water damage. The best course of action is always prevention, rather than dealing with costly repairs and headaches later on. Ignoring the issue in order to save money now may result in even greater expenses down the road. 

Basement waterproofing methods vary greatly, so it is crucial to research and identify the most appropriate solution for your situation. Your building is a major investment, and protecting it should be a top priority. Don’t wait until you have a problem to take action. Implementing preventative measures can keep your basement dry and your finances secure.

At Reliance Group NYC, our experienced team is ready to help you keep your basement dry. 

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help protect your building. 

Waterproofing Contractors

What Questions Should I Ask a Waterproofing Company?

Waterproofing can be a tough job if you do not have expertise in making this sort of work. This is why if you require waterproofing work done that you should think about choosing a professional. Trained waterproofing contractors will be able to guide you as to precisely what is needed for your project. If you want to make sure that you hire the best potential company for the job, here are a few things that you should review first.

When you call a waterproofing company, your contractor should be ready to provide specific directions for elements that work best with your property’s modern condition. You should also get precise advice as to how long you can wait for the job to last and what are the pros and cons of using different materials.

Ideas That Your Contractor Should Do for You

When it comes to selecting a waterproofing company, you always require to look for companies that have good characters. These companies are the corporations that you will hear about via family and associates. In addition, you should be able to find plenty of knowledge about the company online. You should review to see if there are any reviews so that you can get an idea of how other people feel about their services. Also, review with local government agencies to see if any complaints or decisions against them have been filed.

waterproofing contractors in NYC

Any work that you have done on your house should live up to your expectations. You do have to live with the effects, after all. This is also more true when you’re dealing with aspects that are fundamental to preserving your safety and the stability of the home itself, such as the basement’s energy to keep water out. Use our tips for choosing a Commercial waterproofing contractor in NYC so that you can be certain you’re getting the best people for the job.

An original tip for choosing a waterproofing contractor is to do your research. Check to see that the contractor owns the right credentials for their line of work in your area. You should also look at their surveys from previous clients at websites such as Angie’s List. You can narrow down your list by getting contractors that have been consistently accurate in the past. Moreover, calling organizations such as the Better Business Bureau can help you see if the contractors have had infirmities.

Pick a Company With a Good Reputation

When it comes to soaking basements, the root of the problem is typically located outside of the home. So if it’s time to waterproof your basement, it is necessary to look outside of your basement walls. External waterproofing is typically a very larger task than the simple sealing method we use on the lining. It is a great idea to discuss an expert when thinking about exterior waterproofing methods. Exterior waterproofing typically wants the dismissal of the soil surrounding the establishment of the house. As you can believe, this can be a labour-intensive method, requiring heavy tools and machinery. That sealant is typically a polymer core, which should serve for the life of the building. Ideally, this exterior waterproofing process should happen during production.

It is also important to consider gutter systems when considering exterior methods. When correctly fitted, drains lead rainwater away from the bottom of your home. However, if not properly installed or controlled, these systems can have the opposite result. Clogged drains or gutters that drain too close to your foundation will keep water along the base of your home, precisely where you do not want it to be. Get sure to keep your gutters clean and free of rubble to keep them working well. Ensure you have decent downspouts that direct water as far off from your home as possible.

waterproofing contractors in NYC

Drainage difficulties are often the underlying cause of condensation in your basement. Having proper waste around your home is imperative if you want to keep your basement hard. The goal of these waste systems is to direct water (whether it be groundwater or rainwater) away from the company of your home. There are various different drainage methods available to help control the water around your home. To start, you should consider the soil around your house—different varieties of soil drain in different ways. Be sure your home is enclosed by soil that flows easily and does not retain moisture. Per home is different, so be sure to completely examine how the drainage around your home is performing.

 Take a look at the incline of the ground around your organization. It should slope away from your organization, not towards it. Depending on your specific situation, it may be necessary to install a sump pump to collect water from the inside and pump it on. These interior drainage systems receive water from around your foundation and pump it out away from your basement. These systems should be designed to operate in case of a power blackout. As one might presume, installing a sump pump or other interior drainage system can be quite the undertaking. It is desirable to consult a professional when considering this type of waterproofing system.